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how we approach development


This program is for educational institutions (i.e., Middle & High Schools, Colleges and Trade Schools), a program designed to reach, engage, and motivate the upcoming generations, reinforce strong values and create a tenacious drive for their future aspiration. Our Z Team members connect with each student by sharing their experiences, supporting their development through teaching on our 12 core principles while encouraging knowledge workshops, and finally, impacting students by providing continual empowerment as they progress in life. We believe that relationships require a personal touch and an impact on someone's life. We also believe that changing the world starts at addressing the root cause. Our students are the next leaders, so why not invest in their development early.


This program is a one-on-one discussion with our Advisors to understand your current state position in life. Our assessments is completed in a 12-week advisory session where we help you reground and regroup from an internal and external perspective; helping you realize your passions, interest, and goals for life. We partner with you to identify your vision, walk alongside you, and provide you with the tools to make your dreams come true. We support you in your self-improvement journey (i.e., personal, professional, financial, relational, etc.), a journey where you become the best version of yourself, fully realizing your purpose in life and becoming a leading contributing member of society.


This program is for people who's development extends to their small business or Start-up. If you own a business and need help with go-to-market strategy, organizational design or restructure, and general operational support in finance, accounting, and marketing, etc., this program is for you. If you want to start a new business and are unclear on what steps to take, our small business program is here to consult you. Our goal is to partner with and help you build a competitive business case as your business becomes a leader in the industry of choice.

Book Your FREE Session Today!

Therapy Session
Business Meeting
Studying Before Class


For Individual Students & 18+ Post Secondary Education


For Start-Ups, Small Business Owners & Their Businesses


For Educational Institutions (Middle School, High School & College)

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