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Mathew S. Smith & Christina N. Todo

Christina (oldest of 9 from a Madi, South Sudanese Family) & Matt (oldest of 3 from a multi-cultured American Family) crossed paths in a small town called Little Elm, located in Texas at the high school. Matt was part of the 2008 class, and Christina belongs to the class of 2007. Though in different grades, these two, along with Emmanuel, Christina's brother, and Daniel, their best friend, hung out together. 

Christina - "As the only girl and the oldest amongst the group, i felt like i had three little brothers. Sometimes the boys annoyed me, but most times, it was cool to hang with them from time to time."


Matt - "I always labeled Christina as that overachieving kid in the school and knew she was going to be successful, but I never expected that God would merge our paths after going such opposite directions in life!"

After 2007 and 2008, the two moved on to pursue a life outside of high school. Christina went to college and started her path to becoming a Corporate Lawyer, and Matt moved to Oklahoma and continued his growth. Outside of small road trips to visit each other, their paths crossed again during Matt's wedding. 

After the wedding, both continue to progress through life with minimal communication. Matt advanced his career and realized his passion for young people. Christina pursued a career in corporate America, and after her 2019 trip to Uganda, she accepted her call to developing people. Soon after her return, matt reached out randomly one day to request Christina to be a speaker at a Motivational Speaking Event. 

She gladly accepted, and as they spoke and connected about what God had been doing in their life, they realized that the same God placed a vision on both their hearts, and it was HIS intention to bring that to life. So the work started. Today, Matt and Christina wake up every day living in purpose because they not only get to work for such a great people development firm but play a part in changing the lives of everyday people. 












"Working with Matt is genuinely effortless. I cannot tell you how many times we have individually thought of an idea to later find out that the other had the same thought. When moments like this happen, i believe this is God's way of confirming that I am exactly where I need to be.

Christina N. Todo

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